
tomorrow is the day , after two days full of practises, stunts and pain , its the opening of the football championship . derr =='' TMJ ,ofc lah dia menang kan? but i heard that we're gonna be performing everyweek until the closing ceremony of the championship, damn it ! how am i going to study my addmaths, sc and PA? sheeesshhhhhh told yaaa sigs sucks :/ satu satu cikgu pergi , yg bagus pergi yg dtg cikgu yg tk berpengalaman :( sedih betul, haihhhh dah lah cheer kena pakai key and ANAK TUDUNG  wthecckkkkk kalau tk pkai tudung kena banned pulak cheer nnt . dear cikgu yg atas atas yg berpangkat tinggi tu. kenapalah pangkat tinggi tapi mempunyai minda kelas ke -3? * bak kata mak bella hahaha  manalah ada org cheer dah pakai ketat ketat terlom[pat lompat menjerit sana sini pastu tbetbe pakai tudung pulak? you must be kidddinggggg, serious ly. open your eyes widely lah cikgu. jgn smpai benda ni masuk paper front page "SIGS CHEERLEADERS MENGHINA AGAMA ISLAM DGN MEMAKAI BAJU KETAT DENGAN TUDUNG" i'll leave it to the school occay, mcm cikgu ckp, kalau TMJ tanya kenapa pakai tudung , ckp "ampun tungku" WHATEVERLAHHHHHHHHHH


  1. Salam...
    Elak nnti kowg cheer kene pakai tudong endon yg dieowg recommend td...

  2. mmg dorg dah recommened pun tp ktorg refused to wear it hahaha masuk datang ken gelak enn haihhhhh
